The Winds of Change
By TCS Students and TRAIL
This sculpture highlights the the benefits of using sustainable, strong and organic materials such as bamboo.
The bamboo used in this sculpture is overgrowth sourced from a Teignmouth garden.
The students have used various patterns and paining styles to make each bamboo stick unique.
Bamboo Facts
Interesting Bamboo Facts: |
Size of bamboo depends on the species. Largest species of bamboo can reach 1300 feet in height. |
Bamboo can grow either as woody, tall plant or as shorter, herbaceous plant. |
Individual stems of bamboo are called culms. They arise from the underground rhizome and emerge from the ground fully developed. |
Flowers of bamboo are rarely seen. Some species of bamboo develop flowers after 65 or 120 years. Interesting fact about flowering is that all plants of one bamboo species develop flowers at the same time, no matter where they are located in the world. |
Besides from rhizome, bamboo can develop from the seeds arranged in clusters at the end of the branches. |
Bamboo is the fastest growing plant on the planet. It can grow 3 feet in height in 24 hours under appropriate climate conditions. Unlike other woody plants, bamboo reaches maturity after only 3 to 5 years. |
Bamboo releases 30% more oxygen into the atmosphere and absorbs more carbon dioxide compared to other plants. Because of these features, bamboo greatly decreases amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and cleans the air. |
Bamboo does not require fertilizers for optimal growth. Discarded leaves of bamboo provide all needed nutrients when they start to decompose. |
Bamboo has wide and strong root system which holds the soil stable and prevents erosion of the ground. |
Bamboo is often used in Asian cuisine. It can be served as salad or consumed in the form of soup. |
Young shoots of bamboo contain toxin called taxiphyllin. Because of that, bamboo needs to be cooked (high temperature destroys toxin) before consumption. |
Various animals on the planet used bamboo in their diet. Panda’s diet is based on bamboo exclusively, while mountain gorilla and lemurs of the Madagascar eat bamboo to enrich their regular diet. |
Bamboo is used in folk medicine to treat infections and to accelerate healing of the wounds. |
Bamboo has stronger structure than steel and it is widely used in the construction industry. Other than that, bamboo is used in the manufacture of floors, furniture, house walls, skateboards, bicycle frames and helmets. |
Bamboo can survive more than 120 years in the wild. |